Sunday, May 30, 2010

5 Types Of Anxiety Disorders That Can Destroy Relationships

People who experience anxiety usually have symptoms day in and day out. Unlike stress, which tends to come and go depending on the situation, anxiety tends to stick around. Sometimes for long periods of time. And the person who is stressed out usually knows what has them on wit’s end. Not so the person suffering from an anxiety disorder.

The following types of anxiety disorders can have you so rattled that your relationships will fall apart right before your very eyes. If you see that happening to you or a loved one then seek help before it really tears you down.

  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) – This is one of the most common types of anxiety disorder. The person suffering from GAD can worry over all types of activities and events, sometimes unrelated. It can start at any time in life and are usually related to biological or psychological factors beyond the victim’s control.
  2. Phobia - There are many different types of phobia and they all fall into this category. It is defined as an irrational fear that persists concerning a specific object. A fear of blood, heights, spiders, automobiles, open spaces; there is a huge list of phobias that afflict many people. The phobic person can be anxious over the sight of the object that has him gripped in fear, the sound of it, or even the mention or thought of it.
  3. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – You’ve probably met someone with OCD. People with OCD feel driven to perform a certain action and you may see them perform that task over and over again, such as washing hands, changing clothes, shopping, thoughts of suicide or any normal activity that the individual just can’t stop themselves from doing excessively.
  4. Social Phobias – A social phobia is in a category all by itself because people with this disorder try to avoid situations where they may be scrutinized. It could lead to drug or alcohol dependencies.
  5. Panic Disorder – People with panic disorder will suffer from intense panic attacks.

These anxiety disorders affect different people for different reasons, but if you think you have an anxiety disorder then seek a therapist or counselor that specializes in anxiety disorders to help you deal with it.

1 comment:

Ahmad Eisa said...

canteklah blog kite ni....suke sangat ;p